Sunday, May 13, 2012

Structure of mireals

Mineral Properties:

Luster- There are two types of luster that use to measure the mineral, metallic and non-metallic.

Hardness- The hardness of the minerals is between 1 to 10, 1 is the softest and 10 is the hardest.

Common color- The common color is use to describe the how the mineral look like when people see.

Steak- Steak is one of the characteristics that use to identify the minerals. People use the steak plate to check the steak color of the mineral.

Cleavage- Cleavage is use to see how the mineral look like when it break.

Use- Each mineral can use in different way, some of the mineral can make jewelry, and some of them can paint.

Composition- The mineral is create by many different things, oxygen, sodium, sulfur ....etc. Those are the composition of the mineral.

Characteristics- There are other charateristics on each mineral, those characteristics is different and unique from other minerals.



1. What did you enjoy the most about this project and why?

The part that I enjoy the most during this project was recorded the video. The reason that I like this part is because I can use my voice to speak and show how to identify the difference between each mineral.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

The most challenging part of this project was recording, the reason that I think is challenging is because I recorded so many times on one mineral.

3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

The new skill that I learned during this project was, I knew few different ways to classify the minerals.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.

I think I did very good job on this project, but one thing that I want to change to improve my work is to show more confident on my video when I record. I think I didn't show enough confident when I am recording.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Shaking Our World

Lithosphere- Model
When the rocks is moving, it will cause fault. There are three types of faults that happen in different movement. Normal fault is when the hang wall move down and respect the foot wall. Reverse fault is when hang wall move up and respect the foot wall. The strike slip fault is different from the normal and the reverse faults because the hang wall and foot wall move sidling past each other.

Asthenosphere- Demonstration Lab
Convection Current
Convenction Currents is happen during the mantle. When the gas moving on the mantle the temperture will become very high and going up to the crust, After the gas is on top of the mantle it will start getting cold and returning to the bottom of the mantle. This is happening all the times and cause the plates tectonic. Plate tectonic is the plates move round the earth very slowly every year.

Mantle- Narrative Video
Earthquake happen when the crust moving becasue of the mantle. The mantle is under the crust so the plate will silding apart with other plates. The scientist use seimograph to measure the level of the earthquake. There are three types of earthquakes P waves, S waves and L waves. When the earthquake happen the place that cause earthquake is call the focus and the center of the earthquake is called the epicenter. Each time when earthquake happen the scientist use the maguitude to measure amount of the earthquakes. Sometimes if earthquake happen under the ocean it can ceate a tsunami.

Critical Question

      I agree with the theory of plate tectonics, becasue there are many evidence that support this theory. Long time ago there are a huge land called the pangaea, by the time moving the pangaea started separate to different lands. Sometimes, when the plates moving it will casue earthquake and faults.
     Alfred Wegener, he is the person who thought plate tectonic. He use the fossil rock record and mountain ranges to support the plate tectonics.


Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics? Why or why not?

1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
The reason that I enjoy the most about this project is becausewe can choice the activties we want, so that all the classsmates' project is unqiue and different.

2. What was most challenging for you during this projectand why?
The most differcult part during this project is we have to write many different summary about each topic, after that we have to get a quiz by Ms. Kiara to prove that we understand all the topic that we do.

3. What new skills do you learn from doing this project?
From this project, I learn about how to use the garageband to record the voice and make change from the garageband.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
In this project, the summary that I wrote on some topic is not very good, I think I can write more detail and explain more specificly. I hope I can improve this during my next project. 

Monday, February 6, 2012



Class M - #2 - 2012 from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.


Gravity: (重力)A power to keep things stay in order.

Lunar revolution: (月球公转)The moon move around the earth one time.

High and Low tide:(高低潮) When the ocean water follow by the moon movement.

Phrase of the Moon:(月相)Eight differenoon phrase that show every night.

Spring tide:(大潮) When the Sun, moon and earth move as a stright line.

Neap tide:(小潮) When the Sun, moon and earth move as a angle.


In this project our topic is Tide, the tide is cause by the moon's movement. when the moon rotating the earth the ocean water will also follow the moon, this as we known is the high tide. There are two more tides that is exclude with the high and low tide, it called the Spring tide and Neap tide. The Spring tide only happened when Sun, moon and earth as a stright line. This happened on the new moon and full moon phrase. The Neap tide happened during the first quarter and last quarter, when the Neap tide started the Sun, moon and earth will look as a angle.

Critical Question:

How the earth affected by movement (revolution)?

The earth has living many differnet organisms and it rotated every day and eevery second. When it rotate one time it cause 24 hours (one day). The earth's tilt is 23.5 degrree and it pointed to the Polaris, and that is the reason that we have different seasons during a year. If the sunlight was directly heat on the earth it mean the summer was came. The earth was moved around the sun and the moon was moved around the earth. When the moon movement was follow the earth, the ocean water will also follow by the moon, and this is the reason that cause the tide.

 1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

The most favorite of this project is when we used the cammra to make the video. We have move around the picture like playing the pulzze and we have to make many different sound effect and let the video be more interesting.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

The most challenging for me during this project is also when we used the cammra to make the video, because when we making the video my team member were make fun to each other and laughing during the video. So we have to NG many times and make the video better.

3.  What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

In this project I throught I learned many skills, for example sound effect acting, video making and team work. Those skills were very important for my furture. Speically the team work, after I graduate and I have to work with different people in differnt companies, so this skill is very important to my life.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Esplain.

Yes, in this project I think I have to practice more with my team before making the video, that we may not have to NG many times, so we can save times and make the video better.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Jurassic Period

The Jurassic Period was began in 206 Mya and end on 144 Mya. The Jurassic Period was could saw the early bird. During the Jurassic period it had many different organism that lived on the earth. The most animal that we known is the dinosaurs.


Project Reflection:
1.What did you enjoy the most about this project?
The thing that I most enjoy about this project is I can search the information of my favorite period. Jurassic Period was the first period that I knew from the past. When I was young I saw a movie called Jurassic Park. On the movie I saw the dinosaurs fight for their foods and other different animals. From this project I know more about the Jurassic period and how it affect the world.
2.What was most challenging about this project?
The most challenging about this project is to find the different types of organisms and the geologic time event during the Jurassic period. I went to different websites and found the geologic events. It almost took me a hour to get those information.
3.What you change about this project and why?
If I can change one thing in this project I will going to put a video into my Glog. That make people feel more interesting when they see my Glog.
4.What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
In this project I learn how the organism survive during the jurassic. There are many different organism that live during the jurassic period. Also I know the geologic events that happened in the jurassic period, it helpful for me to study the differnent period of each. Lastly I know what is the rock layer and how it's useful for the project.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The stars

1. What is a star?
     The star is a large ball with hot gas. There are trillion and trillion stars in our universe. Those stars are all create by stellar nebula and a action call nuclear fusion. All stars will change to diffenent level by the time. For example giant star to red supergiant,red supergiant to supernova.
2.Types of star
     There are four main types of star, Supergiant, Giant, Main Sequnence and White Drawf. Supergiant and Giant is the stars with high brightness and low temperture. Main Sequence star is special because it include different temperture and brightness(from high to low). Lastly the White Drawf star is the stars that with hgh temperture(10,000-15,000 kelvin), low brightness and small size. 
3.H-R Diagram
     The H-R Diagram is a diagram that use to classifed the difference of each star. For example Temperture,Brightness, and Size. those measurement in the diagram are use to classifed the star.
4.Nuclear fusion
     The nuclear fusion is a action of a star. there are two different molecules that inside the star, hydrogen and helium. When two hydrogen change to become one helium. This process is call the nuclear fusion.
5.The life Cycle of a Star
     At the beginning all star are create by Stellar Nebula. After that it change to three different types of stars Sun like star, Huge star, and Giant star. for example let  talk about the the Sun like star, the Sun like star change to the Red Giants, then the Red Giants change to become Plantary Nebula. After that the Plantary Nebula become White Dwarf  and lastly the white dwarf start to change to the Black Dwaf.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


  • The planet order of Neptune is NO.8 from the sun.
  • Distance from the sun: 4497 million km.
  • The mass of Neptune: 17.21 kg.
  • The diameter of Neptune: 50,530 km.
  • Rotation of Neptune: 16.1 hours
  • Terrestrial or Jovian: Jovian

Planet Description:
     The Neptune look like a ocean because the blue color was cover the Neptune. The reason that cause this happen was the Neptune had some Mathane inside. The wind blows of Neptune in a westerly direction at a speed of 2,000 km per hour.

Two interesting facts:
  • Neptune is the scooter in Roman  mythology.
  • The movement of Neptune are farther from sun to the Pluto sometimes.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hurricane Irence

Critical Thinking:
1.What time of the year do hurricanes occur? Why do they only happen during that time?

The hurricanes always happen during the summer and the reason that hurricane only happen during that time is beacuse the hurricanes need warm water to make energy. when the hurricanes come it can cause flooding and saturation.
2.How can the timing of the tides(high or low) effect the devastation of a hurricane?
When the high tides come is cause the sea level increase on the ocean.The ocean water will be higher so that make the hurricanes more stronger.
3.If an area is fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area?
    If the area is fully satuated the hurricane have more impact on this area. because the water can't go into the ground so that cause the groundwater go up and make the flooding.
4.How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams?
The groundwater saturation is affect the water in river and stream. When the water can't go to the ground it cause the water level increase on the river and stream.
1. What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project?
The things that I like about this project is I can learn about differnent Hurricane Irene in the class. like hurricane, tides, flooding and water cycle.
2. What was difficult for you on you on this project?
The most difficult for me in this project is to read a lot on the textbook and find out the infromation that in the book.
3. What would you change about your work on this project? 
One thing i would change in this project is to use more scientific word and make the work more interesting.
4. How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
In this project I do many research and found many information from the book. When I am reading I get many new infromation that cames to my mind. So the reading is very helpful for me to learn about the hurricane.