Monday, February 6, 2012



Class M - #2 - 2012 from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.


Gravity: (重力)A power to keep things stay in order.

Lunar revolution: (月球公转)The moon move around the earth one time.

High and Low tide:(高低潮) When the ocean water follow by the moon movement.

Phrase of the Moon:(月相)Eight differenoon phrase that show every night.

Spring tide:(大潮) When the Sun, moon and earth move as a stright line.

Neap tide:(小潮) When the Sun, moon and earth move as a angle.


In this project our topic is Tide, the tide is cause by the moon's movement. when the moon rotating the earth the ocean water will also follow the moon, this as we known is the high tide. There are two more tides that is exclude with the high and low tide, it called the Spring tide and Neap tide. The Spring tide only happened when Sun, moon and earth as a stright line. This happened on the new moon and full moon phrase. The Neap tide happened during the first quarter and last quarter, when the Neap tide started the Sun, moon and earth will look as a angle.

Critical Question:

How the earth affected by movement (revolution)?

The earth has living many differnet organisms and it rotated every day and eevery second. When it rotate one time it cause 24 hours (one day). The earth's tilt is 23.5 degrree and it pointed to the Polaris, and that is the reason that we have different seasons during a year. If the sunlight was directly heat on the earth it mean the summer was came. The earth was moved around the sun and the moon was moved around the earth. When the moon movement was follow the earth, the ocean water will also follow by the moon, and this is the reason that cause the tide.

 1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

The most favorite of this project is when we used the cammra to make the video. We have move around the picture like playing the pulzze and we have to make many different sound effect and let the video be more interesting.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

The most challenging for me during this project is also when we used the cammra to make the video, because when we making the video my team member were make fun to each other and laughing during the video. So we have to NG many times and make the video better.

3.  What new skills did you learn from doing this project?

In this project I throught I learned many skills, for example sound effect acting, video making and team work. Those skills were very important for my furture. Speically the team work, after I graduate and I have to work with different people in differnt companies, so this skill is very important to my life.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Esplain.

Yes, in this project I think I have to practice more with my team before making the video, that we may not have to NG many times, so we can save times and make the video better.

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